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Media Plans
Light, Cameras, ACTION!
Digital media is surprisingly affordable and has more reach than any other media type in the US, including the internet. Television is the most powerful medium: Reaching around 80 percent of the population daily while radio reaches around 60 percent. Delivering your message with these two media types provides you with the opportunity to inform members and non-members about the benefits of your credit union or special rates and promotions.
To effectively integrate digital media as part of your annual marketing plan, MMSS has developed a strategic partnership with Pinstripes Media. This partnership combines Pinstripes Media’s extensive media placement experience and MMSS’ marketing plan integration and support. Allocating a portion of your marketing budget to utilize these dynamic forms of media means delivering your message to the right consumers on the most effective platform.
TV and Radio Reach More Consumers Who are Potential New Members!
Television (network/cable) is the type of media that more people spend the most time with.It’s visual, dynamic, engaging and the current quality of programming is the best it has ever been. Much of what feed the content of social media is from television: sporting events, news, reality shows, and unique series programming.
Radio advertising remains effective and provides the soundtrack to the consumer’s day; while connecting them with local on-air personalities as well as local news, traffic, weather and breaking news. Consumers develop strong bonds with their favorite stations so you are able to leverage that bond and begin developing a brand relationship with that consumer by advertising on those stations.
The Benefits of Video Marketing
If a television schedule is not currently part of your media strategy, a video message can still be an integral part of growth and generating brand awareness. Send it out to members in an e-blast, embed it in your promotional e-newsletter or on your website, post it on your social media platforms, and play it on your in-branch video screens. It’s a simple and effective way to put a face to your brand and set you apart.